What is iocell?
iocell is jail management script aiming to simplify jail administration tasks as much as possible.
What is a jail?
Jail is a FreeBSD OS virtualization technology allowing to run multiple copies of the operating system. Some operating systems use the term Zones or Containers for OS virtualization.
What is VNET?
VNET is an independent per jail virtual networking stack.
How do I configure network interfaces in a VNET or shared IPjail?
You configure both the same way: iocell set ip4_add="interface|IP/netmask" UUID | TAG. For more info please refer to the documentation.
Do I need to set my default gateway?
Only if VNET is enabled. You need to assign an IP address to the bridge where the jail interface is attached to. This IP essentially becomes your default gateway for your jail.
Can I run a firewall inside a jail?
Yes in a VNET jail IPFW is supported. PF is not supported inside the jail - though you can still enable PF for the host itself. If you plan on using IPFW inside a jail make sure securelevel is set to 2
Can I enable both IPFW and PF at the same time?
Yes, make sure you allow traffic on both in/out for your jails.
Can I create custom jail templates?
Yes, and thin provision them too! Starting with version 1.3 there is also a package option for jail packaging.
What is a jail clone?
Clones are ZFS clones, these are fully writable copies of the source jail.
Can I limit the CPU and Memory use?
Yes. (refer to manual page)
Is there a way to display resource consumption?
Yes, iocell inuse UUID | TAG
Is NAT supported for the jails?
Yes. This is built into FreeBSD. Treat your server as a core router/firewall. Check documentation section on NAT.
Will iocell work on a generic system with no ZFS pools?
No. ZFS is a must, if you run a FreeBSD server you should be using ZFS!
Is ZFS jailing supported?
Yes, please refer to man page.